Institut für Telenautik 

SuperCollider home page

telenautik home

Try our remote control Jukebox
on Sat. 2/26/00
from 16:00 CET to ...

Please join our loungeroom and zap freely. (like all the others)


To influence the sound you can download the remote control unit and SCPlay 2.2.7 
or just the library itself,  if you have allready scplay
To listen to the output via real audio click here: 

Chat: IRC #telenautik

 this is strictly  experimental but might be nicely irritaining.
With this Jukebox you can try out some remote control  capabillities of  SuperCollider
(a compositon language for macs by James McCartney )
in its freeware form SCPlay

you can use scplay also for other compressed libraries.
if you have supercollider , you can also just download and compile the code.
the file that will be running on the server is here